Advanced Python Course Detail
1.Introduction to Advance Python
Introduction to Python Programming Language
Syntax, Benefits of Python, Downloading and Installing Python, Configuring Python
IDE PyCharm, Running Python Application. Get started with Python journey.
2.Fundamentals of python language
Input & Output example using a console,
Operators, use of numbers, string and its variations, Commenting, identifiers,
basic programming style, Conditional & Branching Statement in Python. Basic
syntax, variables, and types and so on.
3. Understanding Python Objects, Mapping, Set & Iterative
Introduction to List, Tuple & Set. While, for,
continue and break with examples. Learn about data structures that Python can
handle. Create, manipulate Python lists, tuples, etc.
4. Python functional Programming & Conditional Statements
Learn to write complex decision making code by
mastering control structures like if, for, while, break and more. Creating
functions, passing functions, formal arguments, variable length arguments,
default arguments, returning values from the functions, returning multiple values
from the functions, functional programming, variable scope, and recursion.
5. Object-Oriented Programming using Python Language & Python Modules
Class, Object, and Instance. Class level
attribute and instance-level attribute. Constructor and other magic methods.
Built-in functions for python class and objects. Learn to write and import your
own Python modules and use them in other directories.
6. Regular Expressions & Advance Functionalities
Learn all about Regular Expressions, their uses
in matching patterns and parsing files and text for information. Client-server
programming. Introduction to Python GUI programming using Tkinter. Connect Python
to Update Excel file. Connect Python to Call some web service.
7. Master Python best practices
Take your Python programming skills to the next
level with functions, import packages and improved code readability.
Trainer Instructor's Profile of Python:
Certification Of Completion
Proficiency After Training:
Activities we perform in training