Offline Social Media Marketing Training Course
1. Need of Social Media for Business
Social Media represents the Brand Image on the
Internet. You will learn how to build and maintain your social media platforms.
Benefits of Social Media Platforms.
2. Social Media Account Creation
You will learn the way to create Social Media
Accounts: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and others.
3. Social Media Image, Banner Creation
You will learn the way to create Social Media
Logos, Icons, Banner Image. Here every social media wants different size of
images (different resolutions). You will learn the way to create images easily.
4. Social Media Post/Content Creation
Every Social Media Platform required various
types of images and video. Need to understand its resolutions and make
images/video accordingly. Here you will learn the benefits of making images/video
for the specific resolutions.
5. HashTags / Title / Review
Find out the proper hashtags, proper titles and
related content which can help your post to go ahead with less efforts.
6. Analytics / Statistics Review
Now its time to review previous post and its
statistics, based on the results we can improve our performance for the next post
onwards. We can find out the details like like summary, comment summary, city
wise users, country wise users, gender wise, and more.