1. Introduction to Android Studio:
Android Studio Installation and Configuration,
Introduction to IDE Android Studio.
2. Hello World App:
Creation of Activity, Understanding of Java for
Android Programming, Understanding of XML for Layout Design, Creation of Hello
World Application.
3. Layout Design:
LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ScrollView,
FrameLayout, ConstraintLayout, id, text, layout_width, layout_height.
4. Coding Structure:
For developing an android app, you have to use
java or Kotlin programming language and XML language for the design screen. Java
language is a highly used language for developing an android app.
5. API Call - Call JSON Web Service:
Introduction to HTTP Request, Overview of
CPanel and FTP Software, Creation of Database Online, Creation of WebService,
Uploading WebService to Live Server, Understanding the use of JSON/XML in
WebService, Creation of Login Activity and integration with Live Web Service.
6. Tab Layout:
Tab layout is used for developing a
user-friendly home screen layout, that user can easily find out helpful
information on the home screen.
7. Custom Layout:
Multiple layouts can be combined and can design
the app user-friendly. Also, it can be customized form by coding structure.
8. Run time Permission:
set up run time permission for security
reasons, ask the user for approval, and take action based on the user's input.
9. Firebase Notification:
Understanding Firebase Console, Integration of
Firebase with Android Studio, Introduction to Firebase Notification, Introduction
to log in and Authorization, Introduction to Sign-in with Email.
10. Payment Gateway Integration:
Integration of payment gateway for shopping app
there are different payment gateway available, implementing payment gateway to
collect payment from a customer.
11. App Testing:
Introduction to AVD, installation, and
configuration of AVD, the design of an actual device, running application for
12. How to Generate Signed APK?:
Security Key Generation, App Icon Generation,
APK Generation, Understanding Versioning Concepts.
13. How to publish APK on Play Store? :
Play Store Account Creation, Uploading
Application, Application Metadata - Title, Short Description, Long Description,
Icon Creation, Image Creation, Submitting Application for Review.