Pharma Dealer Software

Pharma Dealer Software

"Excellent dealership management system. covered features of inventory management and accounting, billing systems."

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Pharma Dealer Software with Managing a Inventory And
Accounting, Billing Servie.

    Inventory/stock management, order administration, pharmaceutical billing, sale/purchase, and other tasks are made simple with Pharma billing ERP software. Observe stock levels, manage medication expiration dates, and monitor pending prescription revisions, among other things.

     With Arth ERP Pharma POS software, you can avoid dead-stock, generate reports that are configurable, keep tabs on inventory levels, and take numerous payments through various channels. Billing for multiple consumers at once can be done on a single system.

     Your firm will be able to flourish effectively with the help of Arth ERP Pharma billing software thanks to its 100 percent accurate and dependable solution. For every company process, pharmacy software offers digital alternatives. All data and information are instantly supplied across the entire organisation, providing you with a real-time snapshot of your business so that you can make prompt, informed business decisions. This includes pricing, sales analysis, and inventory management.

Talk to our experts now

Features of Pharma Dealer Software

  • Masters
  • Item Type Masters
  • Item Category Masters
  • Company Name Masters
  • Salt Masters
  • Packing Masters
  • Branch Management
  • Add Branch
  • Edit/Delete Branch
  • Create Branch User
  • Vendor Management
  • Add Vendor
  • Edit/Delete Vendor
  • Inventory Management
  • Item Management(Item Creation using All Masters) with Sales Rate, Purchase Rate and MRP
  • Stock Management
  • User Management
  • Role Management
  • User Management
  • User Allocation to Role
  • Account Management
  • Expense Report
  • Employee Salary
  • Expense Entry
  • Credit Note
  • Debit Note
  • Return Item Management
  • Sales Return
  • Purchase Return
  • Purchase Management
  • Generate PO
  • Send PO to Vendor
  • Invoice from Vendor
  • Vendor Payment Tracking
  • Order Management
  • Customer Order List
  • Invoice to Customer
  • Customer Pending Payment

What You Will Get.

Pharma Billing Software
Admin Panel for Admin

Pharma Dealer Software In Vadodara
Android App(upon request)

<b>Pharma Distribusion Software</b>
iOS Application (upon request)

Important Modules Of Pharma Dealer Software

Dealer Management Software for Pharmaceuticals
Branch Management

Pharma Software for Distribution & Wholesale Billing
Vendor Management

Medical store Software App For Pharma Dealers & Distributor
Inventory Management

Pharmacy Software
Account Management

<b>ERP Software For Pharma Industry</b>
Return Item Management

<b>Pharma Distribution Software</b>
Purchase Management

<b>Pharmacy Management Software in Vadodara</b>
Order Management

Our Valuable Clients

We never dreamed about success, We worked for it.

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About Arth Technology

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Pharmacy Software In Vadodara Gujarat India
Pharmaceutical Industry Billing Software Dealers

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